📄️ Hotwiring My React Brain
Hi. Have you been writing Rails API-mode json backends for React front ends for the last few years? Me too.
📄️ Dissecting Rails - a different approach to learning Rails
After evolving for 18 years, I feel Rails is at a stage where it is a bit overwhelming for new developers to get started, because of the surface area of its features.
📄️ Gradually Modularizing your Monolith with Ruby Packs and Packwerk
Are you struggling with large amounts of complexity in your application? A big org with lots of cross-team dependencies?
📄️ Using Rails Engines to Supercharge Your Team
Rails engines are self-contained modules that can be used inside of a larger Ruby on Rails application to encapsulate complex functionality and expose it with a tight, well defined API.
📄️ Terms of Deployment: The Process of Evaluating Hatchbox, Fly, and Render for Developers
Heroku has long been the mainstay deployment platform for Rails developers and agencies, but with several new options for hosting out there, is it still the best solution?