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Teaching Capybara Testing - An Illustrated Adventure

100%! Red the lemur was so excited to have 100% test coverage, finally, after unit testing all of his Ruby code. With that, he was done, the code was tested, and he could call it a day.

Brandon Weaver

Principal Software Engineer at Gusto

Schedule Entry


  • Kyle
  • Reed


  • Types of testing
    • Unit, Integration, End-to-End (E2E)
    • Unit - too tight, focused, too many stubs
    • Integration - controllers with requests, models with db
    • E2E - describe how application works from perspective of the user
      • Possibly most important to the user
      • Expensive, brittle
  • First E2E test
    • Runs in RSpec
    • Config in spec_helper
    • Can use binding.irb to step through a test in headed mode (visible browser window)
    • Email form input has an id called “login” so it doesn't work
    • Screen-reader gets confused
    • Accessible code is testable code
    • REPL-driven development is helpful for things that are already built
    • After writing spec, take out binding and run entire test
  • Into the Flow
    • Test helper, factory
    • Email shows up in header and main HTML elements
    • Query like a person, not like a machine
  • On Brittleness
    • A good capybara test won't break on a page change
    • Accessible to everyone:
      • By role - have_button, have_link
      • By label - fill_in
      • By placeholder - find_field
      • By text - have_text
      • By display value - find, have_css
    • Semantic Queries
      • By Alt Text - find img[alt=...], have_css
      • By Title find role[title=...}
    • Test IDs
      • Recommended to use only when everything else fails
      • Css class used specifically for testing