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A custom design pattern for building dynamic ActiveRecord queries

The pain is familiar to long-time developers of enterprise Rails applications. Database queries through ActiveRecord are an essential part of our application. And making these queries performant, dynamic, and readable is hard.

Justin Daniel

Software Engineer with G2

Schedule Entry



  • Kyle
  • Reed
  • Gary


  • Big Picture:
    • Surface Data in Many Systems
    • Filterable, Customizable
    • Fast, Agile innovation
  • Acceptance Criteria
    • Composable
    • Maintainable
    • Performant
  • Composable
    • Legos
    • Modular: shaped from smaller interchangeable parts
    • Respond to logic & conditionals
    • Return desired fields that might vary by filters selected
  • How to avoid messy composable queries?
  • OO programming for queries!
  • Alternatives?
    • Raw SQL / Contacts
      • Most performant
      • Limited only by RDBMS
      • No dependencies
      • Poor readability
      • Less maintainable
      • Less composable
      • Less linter help
    • Vanilla Active Record
      • Composable
      • More readable
      • Some complexity
      • No conditional branching
    • Arel Tables
      • Deals with complex queries & branching
      • Relational algebra is difficult to read
      • Cannot express multiple concerns in a single node (higher level business logic)
    • Custom design pattern w/ AR
      • Highly composable
      • Conditional branching support
      • OO
      • No complex library needed… you can take it & run
    • Query Builder + Visitor Pattern (called “Builder” pattern)
      • Wraps AR
      • Query classes + Builders + Nodes
      • Initial state
    • Visitor pattern to delegate active record query to each node to continue to build up the state
    • Reduce accumulates nodes and eliminates unnecessary ones via AR.merge(clause) over & over
    • Eg query.merge(Campaign.where(title: title)) if names.present?
    • Give the builder the nodes and let the nodes eliminates themselves
    • A node can contain other nodes
      • or/and where clauses
      • CTE
      • Subqueries
      • Higher business logic
    • Legendary characters (Veteran and Buff)
    • Nesting of nodes
      • Wheres operator with operator (and/or)
    • Best Practices
      • Encapsulate public interface of your query in a class
        • 1 query class per API endpoint (eg IndexQuery)
      • Make it modular
        • Compose it of named classes that represent nodes
      • Delegate to builders and nodes
        • Move the bulk of you rlogic outside of the query class
      • Make a builder that uses the visitor pattern
        • Use a builder abstraction separate from your query class
        • Query class should read descriptively
    • Abstraction Frees our Code to Tell a Story