Rails as a piece of birthday cake
Ruby on Rails as a framework follows the Model-View-Controller design pattern.
Vladimir Dementyev
Principal Engineer at Evil Martians
- Reed
- Jeremy
- Josh
Relevancy | Interesting |
9, 9, 9 | 8, 9, 9 |
- MVC review
- Model = state / logic
- View = user interface
- Controller = translating user input to model updates
- Model -> view ?
- Model -> ui?
- MVC cake
- 3 layers ok for small
- Not ok for big
- New layers needed for bigger cake. Scale the # layers
- Beyond MVC cake
- More sophisticated but sufficient architecture
- Vladamir
- Check out “Rails Changelog” podcast
- Rails Way is to build Web application = serves http requests with responses
- To increase code maintainability
- Complexity
- Testability
- How to add new abstraction layer without adding complexity?
- Good abstractions decreases complexity
- Bad abstractions increases complexity
- Think of tetris pieces fitting together
- Good abstractions
- Conventions - try to make your convention non-orthogonal to Rails conventions. Make it look like it * belongs to rails. (principle of least surprise)
- Loose coupling
- Encapsulation
- Single Responsibility (or a few related ones)
- Simplification
- Generalization
- Centralization
- Reusability
- Recipe step 1: Rails conventions. Learn how Rails works, re-use Rails building blocks & patterns.
- Layered Architectures - layers only depend on those below it. Sometimes can depend upon layers much deeper than next one.
- Presentation
- Controllers
- Views
- Channels
- Application
- Jobs
- Mailers
- Domain
- Models
- Infrastructure
- DB adapters
- Rails secret key base
- Presentation
- Object belongs to highest arch layer among all its inputs
- Recipe step 2: Layered architecture ideas
- How to choose new abstractions? => How to extract abstractions?
- Recipe step 3: codebase extracts, no artificial concepts. Perform complexity analysis, analyze and extract abstractions.
- Service objects are pseudo abstraction layer
- app/services - bag of random objects
- No generalization
- No consistency
- Intermediate stage until the final abstraction emerges
- Like a waiting room until next abstraction emerges/arrives
- Good generalization requires some aging
- Form Objects
- For processing form submissions
- Making Rails abstraction via type casting, validations
- Trigger side actions on successful submission
- Can make it work as a model in views/forms!