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Merged PRs: An Untapped Resource for Practice and Exploration

Debugging is one of the most powerful and necessary tools in a developer's toolkit, and what better way to hone our Rails debugging skills than by using real-world examples from the Rails codebase itself?

Thomas Countz

Senior Engineer on Zendesk's Core Engineering team

Schedule Entry



  • Josh


  • Debugging
    • Theory
    • Practice
  • Theory
  • Survey - what % time spent debuggin?
    • Studies suggest average 35-50% on debugging
  • Cost of finding and fixing bugs is the largest single expense element in the software development lifecycle. Almost $0.50 of every $1 go to finding and fixing bug, never mind the other far reaching effects of bugs (damage, reputation) - 2022 report Krasner, Herb.
  • Debugging Competencies
    • Identifying problems
    • Reproducing issues
    • Applying a systematic approach (eg scientific method)
    • Comprehending code
    • Proficiency using debugging tools