Keynote: The Magic of Rails
Exploring the principles & techniques behind the framework
Eileen M. Uchitelle
Rails Core Team | Senior Staff Engineer @ Shopify
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Exploring the principles & techniques behind the framework. Works at Shopify
Originally Tightly coupled. Clear lines between gems Active model only requires active support.
- Rails is modular but not fractured.
- Rails is designed to have agnostic interfaces.
- Rails is extracted from applications.
- Rails is made of simple and aesthetic APIs
- Rails is a framework that takes on complexity to empower you
How Rails Components are structured.
- Action Cable
- Action Pack
- Active Job
- Active Storage
- Action Mailbox
- Action Text
- Active Model
- Active support
- Action Mailer
- Action View
- Active Record
- Railties
Naming Convention Active vs Action?
Active is backend behavior Action is user facing Frailties is the glue between them.
Architecture & Patterns of Rails components Architecture & Patterns the role of Railties
Application -> Register hooks -> Load components -> Run hooks
- Railties are the core of the framework
- Railties control load order ad when hooks should be run
- Enables components to work together without adding dependencies Look in the components railties for how it is configured.
Architecture & Patterns Agnostic interfaces.
model ActiveRecord
module ConnectionAdapters
class AbstractAdapter
Factory pattern with inheritance. Active storage does this too. Concrete should inherit from Abstract
Agnostic Interface
- Consistent interface for all supported libraries
- Simplifies Rails code to avoid using is_a
- Makes it easy for apps to swap out adapters / services
- Lowers the maintenance burden. They maintain the ones they are comfortable with and other can implement the rest
Class eval. How does the has_many and belongs_to work?
Find the implementation of a method.
- Powerful tools enables us to build beautiful, simple APIs
- Hides complexity from your application
- Where “Rails Magic” comes from
Maintaining Rails
Why I work on it
- 2010: Introduced to Rails
- 2011: Big Nerd Ranch
- 2014: 1st conference. 1st contribution
- 2015: First RailsConf
- 2017 Join Rails Core
- 2023 This RailsConf
I work on Rails to advance the framework I work on Rails to ensure applications can stay on Rails I work on Rails to build a stronger community I work on Rails have an impact on the future
Rails is
- Inspiring
- Empowering
- Imperfect
- The applications we build
- The team behind it
- Community
- Magic