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The Math Every Programmer Needs

Leave your fear of math behind along with the equations and symbols, we're headed to Ruby-land!

Joël Quenneville

Principal Developer at thoughtbot

Schedule Entry



  • Josh
  • Gary


  • Discrete Math - most useful CS skillset for the rails devs
  • Proposition Logic, Boolean Algebra, Graph Theory, etc.
  • Practical Problems
    • Unnecessary Conditions => Use Operators!
      • Boolean Algebra focus on Operators
      • Identity, negation, adm, or
    • Propositional Logic Truth Tables
      • 2 expressions are equal if their truth tables match
      • Can use tables in GH PR markdown
      • Makes complex code easier to understand and communicate
    • Broken Auth Logic => Demorgans Law on negation of compound conditions
      • More readable code
      • Catch bugs
      • Unless is a boolean condition
    • How many test cases do I need? => Combinatorics
      • 2 inputs + # states per input
      • Compound states multiply!
      • 2 states x 3 states = 6 tests!
      • Default optional parameters (combinatorics)
      • Insufficient test coverage => Venn diagrams (tests vs states)
      • Add more tests or reduce states (maybe your code is trying to do too much)
    • Which RSpec let blocks actually get invoked? => Graph Theory
      • Visual model. List lets.
      • Add directed relations for dependency / references between them
      • = Dependency Graph
      • Color those being used
      • Can improve performance by simply / optimize dependency between them
    • Work incrementally => Graph Theory
      • Large Task -> Linear List (steps 1 to 5)
      • Graph Theory - evaluating a node requires evaluating all downstream nodes
      • Alternatively, work on leaf nodes. Can be done in isolation. Can be shipped!
      • Dependency Graphs should be evaluated from the bottom up (terminal nodes first)
      • Aka Topological sort
      • Concrete example: Replace image processing gem. Cycles!
      • Cycles cannot be evaluated independently
      • Breaking cycles via new dependency on adapter to create DAG
      • This is the strangler fig pattern
    • What are the risks of a randomly generated ID collision? => Combinatorics
    • Designing a DB schema => Set Theory + Combinatorics